15 Points of Culture

PT Asmon Karya Utama is a company that is committed to providing the best for customers and environmental sustainability. In our work, we have values that we uphold as culture and principles in carrying out our duties and responsibilities.

PT Asmon Karya Utama is a company that is committed to providing the best for customers and environmental sustainability. In our work, we have values that we uphold as culture and principles in carrying out our duties and responsibilities.




I dedicate myself with a 100% commitment that I must succeed in achieving the vision, mission, and culture of PT. Asmon Karya Utama and work with the current and future teams and the company’s customers for mutual success.



 I will take full responsibility for my actions and the consequences related to my work and life. I will take responsibility for whatever I do because I know that in order to give change, I have to start with myself.



Saya selalu memikirkan dan melakukan hal yang benar, melakukan hal yang terbaik dan menunjukkan ada perhatian penuh terhadap tugas yang diberikan kepada saya. I always think and do the things right and I give my best attention about my task. 


4. Communication

I say positive things to my teams  and my clients, both public or privately. I won’t make up stories or listen to gossip. I always do everything based on facts. I always greet other people and apologize for unpleasant things and try to find a solution for them. I will only discuss personal matters with the person concerned. I’m expressing  myself by writing about what I want and whether my qualities are positive or negative.



 I am convinced and believe that I will get success with PT Asmon Karya Utama. So, I will concentrate my mind, energy, and attention on what I do for achieving my success, based on the principle of a win-win solution. I am proud of my Company’s success, my family’s well-being, personal success, friendships success, and success in being significant to others.


6. Education

 Saya belajar dari kesalahan saya, saya akan konsisten belajar, tumbuh dan menjadi lebih ahli, sehingga saya bisa membantu sesama anggota tim dan klien untuk belajar untuk mencapai sukses yang berkelanjutan.  
I  learnt from my fault. I will always be learning, developing myself, and becoming more skilled so that I can help my team and clients to have ongoing success.


7. Teamwork 

I realized that our strength lies not in individual efforts but out teamwork. Therefore, whether being a team leader or a member, I will always put the team first.


8. Family and Personal Problems

Saya menyadari benar bahwa tanggungjawab kepada kesejahteraan keluarga dan kebahagiaan kehidupan pribadi adalah hal yang sama pentingnya dengan keuangan dan intelektual, tetapi saya juga menyadari pekerjaan dan tugas saya yang pertama-tama yang harus saya selesaikan untuk mencapai kesejahteraan keluarga dan waktu pribadi. I am fully aware that the responsibility for my family’s prosperity and my happiness is the same important things as financial and intellectual. But I fully understand that I have to complete my work and duties to gain my family’s well-being and my own time.


9. Joy of Life (Fun) 

I realized that life’s best journey is to enjoy our lives and time regard.  I will create a pleasant and fun environment. 


10. Consistency 

I am consistent with my actions, so that my clients and partners can be comfortable for having business with me. I am disciplined with my work in achieving goals, then my growth and success will be consistent too.


11. System

I always refer to the system to find solutions if any problem appear. First of all, I suggest to check the system before i’m correcting other people. Then I would suggest  system repair. I will always respect to our meeting decision, even if it confronts with my opinion.


12. Patience

I will be patient-prioritized in solving problems and tolerating, so that those who make mistakes can be changed and become successful with the team.


13. Pleasant  

I realized that pleasing others is very important, so the people could accept my positive or negative qualities as they are, and  give me a chance to be a better person.


14. Be Grateful 

I’m grateful, I say thank you and appreciate on so many things, then people who have relationships with me can feel for my appreciation, me, my client and my team’s  success. Right Things will always be as it was for consistency to do a good things for myself and others.


15. Kelimpahan

I am a person who receives so many blessings, I deserved it and I can easily give and receive, I allow that in all aspect of my life by respecting my own worth and everyone else. I am rewarded to the level where I can make that abundance for the others, and I receive that abundance according to what I have done